Sunday, June 13, 2010

Net neutrality in the news

Looks like the FCC is running into roadblocks with any movement to regulate broadband communications. This article was just posted today so this seems to be the most recent activity with Congress related to the net neutrality issue.
One very interesting comment in the article reads "like it or not, Congress is going to insist that it, not the FCC, is the entity that decides communication policy in the US."
What is your theory on why Congress does not want the FCC to have the power to regulate the internet?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Using Technology to link Geography and your health

Check out the interesting article and video regarding "Geomedicine" which links geographical locations with lifestyle and health risks. Do you think this will ever become prevalent is researching health? Would you ever use such a tool to look up personal health risks?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Digital copy machines as a privacy and security threat?

Healthcare IT is constantly battling with the problems related to privacy and security with patient data. As electronic medical records and storage of data explodes the privacy regulations of HIPAA continue to be highlighted. THe article below points to the digital copier as a privacy issue. They will probably need to dispose of the hard drives and make sure there is limited access to avoid any violations.
Classmates of INST 526 do you have concerns with regard to your medical history and data being stored electronically? any experiences (good or bad)?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010



I came across this video of a personal portable ECG machine. I do not know the price point for this but it is cool technology. I could envision those with irregular heart beats or previous stroke victims using this. I doubt insurance would ever cover this so it would be a tool for those that can afford it.
I am curious if you can track results and share electronically with your physician (check 2X a day a send me the results?). Definitely could lead to some paranoia and anxiety on the patients part though. Good thing to have in schools, athletics, etc

What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

EMR industry news

This blog will be used to provide updates on the Electronic Medical Records industry and to report my own personal opinions on the complications surrounding implementation and government incentives to adopt this technology.
There has been a great deal of news over the past year regarding medical records and their pro's and con's. Despite ARRA incentives the rate of adoption has been slow but progressing steadily. The details of the incentives has yet to be finalized further impeding the rapid adoption of EMR systems.
Many high profile projects are under way and I will use this blog to share some insight for those that are interested.
All comments in this blog are of my own personal opinion and in no way are intended to be a source of media news or vendor updates.